
Lover of watercolor and squirrels!

First, a little backstory on Addison & Sedgwick. Where did the name come from? My grandparents were born and raised in downtown Chicago between World Wars I and II. My Grampa was an artist in all ways and an architect by trade. My little Gramma enjoyed art and music too and they exposed me to so many of the wonderful things they enjoyed in the Windy City. Grampa, in particular, always taught me new art techniques and brought me supplies and I always had access to all his supplies. I always think of his love of hibiscus flowers and watercolor paints. These two lovely people were born on Addison Street and Sedgwick Street in Chicago and I thought this name was a great way to honor their memories and the intangible treasures they gave me.

I have loved watercolor ever since I can remember and got my first set of student colors in the 9th grade after I got a 4.0GPA. I love the softness, technique, versatility and beauty of these paints and I am always learning something new with them.

Which brings me to my shop! I had never even thought about making my own paints until about 5 years ago. I love makeup too and started making paints out of makeup remnants! I started researching true paint-making and soon loved the pigment research, the mulling, the process of testing and crafting and then finishing a set of colors. I enjoy the whole process, from planning to testing to the final processing and packaging of your orders!

I want you to be able to enjoy the painting process, the beauty of color and quality as your inspiration flows from the brush, with paint that is made from a desire to present you with the best range and quality of artisan watercolor at a reasonable cost to you.

I use high quality pigments sourced from around the world. I make my own gum Arabic binder with a unique combination of clove and ylang ylang oils for their preservative and insect-repelling qualities and because, well, they smell good together! All recipes have glycerin added and I have switched to using Tupelo honey, which resists crystallization and is a little lighter in color.

I have small children in my home and I do not feel comfortable having the more toxic pigments around them so I won't be offering them to you either! (Cadmiums, cobalts, lead, copper) I have found some excellent non-toxic replacements for a few of these colors that I have decided to use and I am proud to offer them to you!

I hope my product will feed your imagination and give you the ease and results you look for in fine quality paint. Thank you for shopping and always remember that EVERYONE has a unique artistic talent!

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